Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Driving and Men/Women

What is it about driving that makes me go frenzy whenever I am not in the driver's seat? I am not sure if everyone feels so. I am usually a road-sensible person and never freak out when driving, but its a whole different world when I am the passenger. Usually at work, whenever we go onsite, I either fly or take a cab or one of my colleagues rents a car and I sit in the back seat. A couple of weeks back, I had to drive to client site along with one of my colleagues (C), about 200 miles away from us. So, we drove in C's car. Everything was pre-planned and going good, until C freaked me out with his following-car-in-front-too-closely routine. I had to grab the dashboard, just incase.

I hate the shotgun seat, except for when my dad drives or I am on a road trip in a car with passenger side air-bag. Even in that case, I wear seat belts (with everyone around me driving me insane with their sarcasm). I consider myself a decent driver. Even then, I think its normal being paranoid about someone else's driving.

Coming back to the subject, I know C has a good driving record and is carefully on road since he gets to chauffeur his 2 yr old daughter all the time. But still, everytime he was going too close to the truck or van in front of us (any vehicle larger than the one we were in), I had to strap on and hold the door or dashboard. C noticed that I was getting antsy with his driving and so when we took a break for dinner while coming back, he asked me about it. I told him frankly what the problem was. He started with his analogy on the whole thing - 'the women thing'. He said even his wife freaks out when he drives. I realized that it didn't have anything to do with his wife, just his 'men and driving' opinions. Then, we started arguing how women are bad with directions and driving in general. How long will men keep saying this? Then, I relayed this whole incident to a friend. He added his two cents worth but again reaching the same conclusion, men drive better than women.

Just accept it - women, maybe not all, but most women are road savvy; they have good road sense and so are better drivers than some men!!


Keeth said...

Cool it .. but the fact even biologically, it is said that ... Women are poor in mapping and verbally strong... Instead of analysing, you can take it as a fact. I am sorry, but you have to.

Aravindan said...

hvnt driven around much with a girl as yet.. :(

so no comments..

well but this is also a comment!

Taruna said...

Facts dont exist...nothing biological to say the least...being, verbally strong I can convince you otherwise, right?

All in good times man....!!