Thursday, January 25, 2007

What's been going on?

Just been busy at work a lot lately and so haven't been around in the blog space. But, here's the scoop on what been going on!

- Moving to a new city/state, working in a new place, exploring the place is going on.
- Realized why Orlando, FL is a major tourist attraction. Time just flew by when I went there for vacation and it was buzzing, albeit being crowded.
- New job has been taking up most of my free time
- For the first time, I have recently-graduated students working for me. Bossing around takes a lot of effort, patience, energy and time... but has its share of fun!!

Anyways, I hope to write more regularly henceforth. I have about 100 drafts that need to be updated and published. So, look out for some soon!

Oh.. and hope everyone is enjoying a great New Year!!!