Friday, March 10, 2006

Lag Factor?

So, what was I doing all this while - since September 2005??

Well, I was just not sure about what to write, how to write, even if I write - who will read it?

I got into some serious thinking a few days back and realized that from my early childhood days I have been very good at one thing - procrastination. I vividly remember how one of my primary school teachers wrote on my report card (although I was the valedictorian) that I was smart but would be more successful if I did not put-off things to be done later.

Now that I look back, I can see all the things that I lost or I failed in doing because of this!! But its not so bad either...Waiting till the last minute, the rush of blood to get something actually done in the 11th hour, final minutes of cramming up during exams, escape not doing some stuff since it gets cancelled or postponed (bcoz of others like me), .....

Overlooking some stuff - I think the principle which would probably work would be " BETTER LATE THAN NEVER"!!

Now, although I started to blog late, nevertheless, I am in the rat-race!


Anonymous said...

hey aruna
i m the first to post :d
good goin....hope to c regular posts in future

Taruna said...



Yep, I hope to update atleast infrequently!!